The design of HM series passive speakersystem, the designer applied advanced design concepts and according to theneeds of market customers, combined with computer simulation technology toconduct numerous simulation experiments, selected high-quality loudspeakerunits and frequency division components, Through the exquisite process of theactual production of samples and designers repeatedly carefully debugging, thenfinally launched HM series products that satisfy customers and allow users touse them with confidence.
The HM series full-frequency system adopts a leading phase design. Thisstructure greatly improves the acoustic voltage output capability, effectivelyextends the acoustic energy projection distance, and also benefits from the useof high-performance high-quality bass drive units. With a strong low frequencyenergy sense and amazing explosive power, the transient performance isexcellent, strength, and listening resistance.
HM series passive speaker system, excellent workmanship, very Humanized design,perfect lifting structure and can achieve fixed installation requirements, isvery suitable for mobile or fixed installation. The loudspeaker is made ofhigh-density medium fiber sheet, which is designed by mechanical structuresimulation and high-strength acoustic structure ingenuity. It can effectivelysuppress box resonance and is a strong backing of pure sound quality. Surfaceuse main strength wear resistant paint process, finetexture, strong and durable.